Auto Complete Tab

Note: To enter values in the OK Key and Cancel Keyfields, click on the field with the mouse and then press the desired keystroke.

Table 13: Configuration dialog: Auto Complete

Label Parameter Description
Use Auto Complete AutoComplete/Enabled Specifies whether or not Auto Completion is enabled.
Make suggestions after AutoComplete/PrefixSize Specifies the number of characters you must enter before Auto Completion begins to make suggestions
Delay completion for KeyboardInputDelay Specifies the delay in milliseconds before Auto Completion begins to make suggestions
Suggest up to AutoComplete/Rows Specifies the maximum number of rows (height) in the AutoComplete pop-up suggestions box.
Show up to AutoComplete/Cols Specifies the maximum number of columns (width) in the AutoComplete pop-up suggestion box
Keep History AutoComplete/History Specifies whether or not AutoComplete maintains a list of previous AutoCompletions.
History Length AutoComplete/HistorySize Specifies the number of previous AutoCompletions that are maintained
Include filenames AutoComplete/ShowFiles Specifies whether or not AutoCompletion suggests directory and file names for )LOAD, )COPY and )DROP system commands.
OK Key
Specifies two possible keys that may be used to select the current option from the Auto Complete suggestion box.
Cancel Key AutoComplete/CancelKey1
Specifies two possible keys that may be used to cancel (hide) the Auto Complete suggestion box.
Common Key AutoComplete/CommonKey1 Specifies the key that will auto-complete the common prefix.